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My IVF Twins Month after month I tried for a child The hormonal ride was anything but mild Appointment after appointment Was met with nothing but disappointment. Finally we decided to try IVF For us there was no other step We gave it all the money we had And prayed that the ending wouldn't be sad My injections left a great big bruise But after waiting and waiting I got good news In 9 short months I'd be a mom My lifelong dream had finally come I had a sono to check the baby And couldn't have been more elated We saw a baby with a strong heartbeat And told our happy news to all we'd meet We had a scare and thought the baby was gone But had a scan and saw a heartbeat strong We tried to relax but were scared to death That we would never feel our baby's breath Two days later we saw my doc He gave us the news and we were in shock Not only was our baby okay But we had twins that were on their way My pregnancy went by really quick I was lucky even though I was quite sick My birth experience was something to savoir Even though at 29weeks I had premature labor Infertility has left me scarred And IVF was really hard But now I am the mom of twins And my face is wearing a constant grin


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