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What has happened - Trib Article

As I lay in bed shivering because I feel a chill, I begin to feel guilty for even thinking that I am cold. I am unable to sleep not because I am cold but because I read a story today that tore my heart apart. A man, 93 years old, freezes to death in his own home. I am unnerved because I can not figure how this could happen. I am upset that the utility company would do such a thing. But I am more upset at the individual who actually came to the house and turned the electricity off. Where was this person’s heart? Yes, I am sure it was his job to turn off the electricity as the man was past due. But when he rang the doorbell to tell this elderly man that he had to shut the power off did he not see how old he was? Did he not see that the man obviously needed help? Was he sure that this elderly man even understood what was happening? Did the thought cross his mind at least? I would hope so. I can honestly say that I don’t think I could have shut it off even if it meant losing my job. I would have rallied to find a way for the gentleman to get help. I would have knocked on the neighbor’s doors to let them know this man needed help. Could they at least have taken him in for a few days? But that is me. I secretly hope that the CEO of the utility company is sentenced to a life without heat. After all he is younger and can handle the lack of heat longer. But unfortunately he will most likely not be held accountable for this poor man’s death. So who is to be held accountable?

What has happened to our society?

I am a 39 year old female who is baffled by today’s society.

My grandparents raised me the first 7 years of my life, so I am sure that my strong values have derived from them. From the years 8-16, my life changed. It was a fend for yourself world. And yet, I managed to still retain a sense of respect for my elders.

So how is that today when we have the means to take care of our elderly society, it seems that they are suffering more now than when they went through the depression? I have thought this over many times and have come to the conclusion that no one seems to care about anyone but themselves. How is this teaching our children? I have on occasion’s seen an elderly person walking in the snow from the bus stop and have offered to ride them home. I have gone out of my way to take an elderly person from the grocery store home vs. making them wait the long hours for Access to arrive. I can only hope that by doing these things my children will learn from me that you are to treat the elderly with respect and admiration. I want them to know that although we kid about the elderly drivers and how the elderly tend to repeat themselves; these people lived through hard times that we hopefully will never encounter. They lived a time when you really looked out for each other and helped each other. Even when they had very little to live on they still shared amongst themselves as well as strangers. In our obese society we waste so much money on food never thinking of the poor elderly individuals who are on a meager budget and have barely enough food to feed themselves. Our younger generation seems to have a need to wear a different coat for every day of the week and yet our elderly have had the same coat for years. They wear it with holes in them. I have heard people call our elderly cheap. They are not cheap they are wise. They live within their means and rarely base their lives on credit card debt. Although I have seen many elderly stuck with large credit card debt or mortgages because their children are lazy and do not work. We should be caring for our elderly not having them care for us. Our society barely even acknowledges an elderly relative let alone an elderly neighbor. It is a scary thought to me that years down the line someday it could be me sitting at the bus stop waiting in the frigid cold while the younger generation drives the measly 3 blocks to the corner store because they are too lazy to walk or because it is too cold for them all the while not even noticing me there. Would they think enough to offer me a ride? Unfortunately my heart is saddened at the knowledge that they would not. It would not cross their minds. Would they help me get across the street to ensure my safety? Again I am saddened as I have watched many people walk briskly past mumbling at the elderly to stay home if they could not keep up. My heart breaks for the elderly. They should be allowed to live their “Golden” years carefree without worries. They should not have to pay School taxes or Medical bills. They have paid their dues for many years. They should be able to live where they want without the worries of whether they could afford it or not. Young people who collect welfare are able to live where they want. I have been behind them in the grocery store as they purchase steaks with food stamps all the while I purchase ground meat. They are young enough to put in their time yet they have no worries, the state provides for them I often wonder why they are not working. I have children and yet I manage to work. Why can we not make life worry free for the elderly? I am not sure the Senior Citizens discount does enough to help them.

We have made modern miracles happen and we have created medicine to assist the elderly in living longer. But where is the modern miracle of sensitivity, compassion and respect? Can a cure be made for the lack of these things?

Bergetta K Hugus



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