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My Newest Diet

No Training Wheels

It had been a long exciting week at camp for the girls and a slow week full of anxiousness to see my babies again for me. An even longer weekend having an extra little unexpected visitor for 4 days after camp and then add celebrating the 4th of July. I enjoyed every moment but I was a bit tired by Tuesday. I was anxious to pick the girls up from their sitter, go home and finally relax. I ordered them a pizza and I was going to have a Lean Cuisine to kick start eating better.

My dinner was in the microwave when Sarah came in grinning from ear to ear. Mommy can I please try to ride my bike in the circle? I was starving but figured let’s go while my dinner is heating up.

Time and time again she tried. She just couldn’t get it. Then finally I told her to pretend she is driving and heading straight for me. Look at me, keep following me as I run backwards. Don’t look left, don’t look right, just keep looking ahead. The excitement was high as she finally got it and started circling around the road weaving past parked cars and people walking their dogs. Sarah, much to my surprise, was the first to ride without training wheels.

Sarah was so excited she ran to get her sister. Ashley was still hesitant. My dare devil seemed nervous. She would ride the sky coaster at Kennywood but wouldn’t try to ride without training wheels. Sarah was so encouraging that Ashley decided to try. Again, just like Sarah, she tried and tried. Finally, Sarah suggested Ashley try her “magical bike and magical helmet”. My heart swelled as Sarah helped put her helmet on Ashley and show Ashley the handle break. Sarah then used the same technique I had used for her. It was funny to hear Sarah tell Ashley riding a bike is just like driving a car. Proceeding to tell her to never look sideways or backwards because it will trip you up and make you fall, but always look ahead. Just 15 short minutes after Sarah helping, Ashley got the hang of it and rode like the wind.

They were so excited they called our Neighbor Misty and then Better Grandma. I wasn’t sure when they relayed the story over the phone to Better Grandma if Ashley was more excited that she rode her bike or more excited that Sarah said how proud she was of Ashley and hugged and kissed her.

I was too excited to have grabbed my phone to video tape the event but that does not matter. I have a very clear vision of it in my head. And I thought of this evening all night; long into the morning.

Another milestone in growing up. At the beginning of Summer, I had told a neighbor they would probably have to teach the girls because I was too nervous and afraid of them falling. As I reflect on my daughters’ major accomplishment I realize I too have made a major accomplishment. I have once again let go in order for them to grow. I put aside my fear of them getting hurt and encouraged their growth into the next step of childhood. This is one of the hardest parts of being a parent. The part no one tells you about when you hold that bundle of joy at birth swaddling them within your arms with fierce protection from the big bad world.

You are given a gift from God and each day, from the moment they are born, your job is to help them become independent. Each day leaving a little bit of your heart behind as they move to the next step. You are excited they are crawling and can’t wait until they can walk. You are excited they are out of diapers and can’t wait until they dress themselves. Without realizing it you are wishing away all the little things that you can never get back. And then soon, much too soon, you find they no longer need you. This is when you know you are successful in your job as a Mom. Your heart is saddened and so happy at the same time. If you are lucky you find along the way parts of yourself within these little miracles. Parts that make you beam and proudly pound your chest when you hear one daughter encourage her twin with words that she just might find useful long into adulthood….”don’t look backwards for this will make you fall; always look ahead”. How true those words are.

So as I pulled my even more tired body up to start the day I went into the kitchen to make a cup of tea only to realize my dinner from last night was still in the microwave. I wasn’t so starved for food after all. I was filled to the rim with love and excitement of the time I had spent with my babies. It is the best diet in the world.


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