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How to see Yourself

If you ever want to see yourself as others see you and not how you see yourself...

Watch your children. Listen to your children.

In them you will see who you really are as they follow by your example.

O my sweet sweet Sarah Bear

With your beautiful blue eyes and curly blond hair.

I love you with all my heart

And I know we will never ever be apart.

For I see in you a little piece of me

Great things in your future I also do see.

Quiet and reserved with a heart of gold

Especially for me God choose you I am told.

Mommy’s love for you will remain for always, this is true

Just close your eyes and hear my whisper when you are feeling blue

My greatest wish and desire as you grow

Is to never doubt yourself and your true self let others know.

My sweet sweet Sarah Bear you have been in my dream I have always said

Knowing some day you will leave my side to be on your own is the day I dread.

You always try your best so you will go far in whatever you do

I love your angelic ways my sweet bear but I will love your grown up ways too.

My little peanut Ashley Boo

I still recall the first time you cooed

I love you little one more and more each day

And my love keeps growing for you in so many ways.

In you I see a kindness beyond your years

Often your compassion leaves me in tears.

Always remember Mommy loves you no matter what you do

And I hope in the future you smile at that thought when you are feeling blue

Someday you will be grown and leave my side

Tears already begin at the thought of waving goodbye

Your intelligence and your independence will help you succeed

And believe it or not your stubbornness will be just as helpful indeed

Your infectious laugh and bright smile is what everyone sees in you

Try not to lose them no matter what you do.

Even if we are a million miles apart from each other you will feel my love inside

It is a feeling that will never go away and one from which you could never hide.


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