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Pine Springs Counselors

To the counselors in charge of my children,

It may be your first year or you may have been here before, either way I say to you; Thank You!

You are wondering why I say thank you before even knowing you or even knowing your name?

I do not need to know you to know where your heart is. You most likely had many options on how to spend your summer but you choose to become a counselor at Pine Springs Camp. This decision was made on your end for you and what is best for you, however it really is so much more than that.

Your choice will be part of my child’s faith foundation. Unknowingly you will be instrumental in how my children learn to become as they grow. We as parents do our best to raise our children knowing and trusting Christ. But outside influences get in the way of our teaching and we struggle to ensure what we are teaching remains part of them as they grow. When they see you at your age still knowing and trusting Jesus they feel all is ok and their doubts are forgotten.

These children, our babies, whom we leave in your ample care will remember you. You have many to look after and will not remember each of them but you are only one to them and they will indeed remember you. When my children tell anyone who will listen, about Pine Springs Camp they do not mention where it is, or what it looks like. They talk about you and how you made them feel. “Home away from home” is how my daughters describe Pine Springs Camp. And as a mom to two amazing miracles I am graced by God to have received, I am grateful to you for your decision to be here, at Pine Springs, giving them the love, peace and support to keep their faith alive. Not quietly alive but loudly alive.

I am sure your parent/parents are very proud of your decision to the journey you are embarking this summer. I give thanks to Jesus for leading you here so our family can also help support you in your faith as well as allow our children to learn from you and grow in faith.

We will be praying for you this summer.

Bergetta Hugus


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