Tribute to Dennis
When you are feeling all alone in the world
And cannot handle all the burdens you bear
Family and friends can only handle so much
Where do you turn, who can you trust?
My heart was hurting and I was a tangled mess
I had fallen in such despair
Each day I cried out to many
But it seemed there was no one there.
Then I heard it
A strong and welcoming voice
I hear it each week
Some say it is just part of his job, of course.
But there is something there inside him
As he stands in front of the crowd
He preaches God’s word in hopes that we hear him
His voice is gentle; yet loud.
He knows not whether we heard him
And his job does not end there
He has many more tasks we know nothing of
And he has his own burdens to bear.
With destruction and doubt all around us
His gift is plain to see
Preaching of wisdom, love and peace
He knows it is God’s word we need.
How do you thank a man such as him?
Where would you even begin?
I have no way of saying the words in my heart
A prayer! YES, that is where I should start.
Give him strength to guide and teach us
Lord, help Reverend Macaleer, I pray
Keep him safe and help him remove all our doubts
Please let nothing or no one get in his way.