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Life's Purpose

For I live in eager expectation and hope that my life will always honor Christ…

(Philippians 1:20)

What is my purpose in life? Where will I be 10 years from now?

I believe that discovering my purpose will unfold slowly, like a seed planted deep in the ground.

I believe the main purpose of my life is to accept with gratitude what I have been blessed with so that I may use the gifts given to me by God to mold myself into the best person I can possibly be.

I pray that within 10 years I will learn the act of total forgiveness so I can let God be in control of my life so I can act as an instrument of positive change in my family, work and community.

I want to model all aspects of my life to reflect my Christian beliefs and values of faith, honesty, hope, kindness, forgiveness and love. The roles that I fill in my life are roles that God has provided for me and I need to conduct myself, as God would want me to. I have responsibility to lead my family in a Godly way, to show people in my life a Christian life style and understanding, and in the community what God would want from everyone's life.

And my sincere hope is to be able to pass the gift of Christianity to my children as my Grandma had done for me, so that we can continue to carry the torch of God's love and spread it throughout the world.


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